School Philosophy & Values

School Philosophy

Our Philosophy is to build foundations for life for every student. We aim to empower every student to reach their personal best and ensure all students leave school with a practical understanding of the curriculum.


To develop a dynamic, sought after school where students are at the centre and purpose of all that we do.

To prepare students to pursue their goals, interests and aspirations through offering a teaching pedagogy reflective of contemporary learning and a range of extra curricula activities to cater for individual and holistic learners.

We commit to having a shared responsibility to the success and wellbeing of all members of our school community.




RESPECT Build and maintain respectful relationships with students, staff and the school community.
RESPONSIBILITY Be a responsible and trustworthy school community member.
CARING Be accepting, helpful and cooperative of others to create a safe and supportive learning environment.



School Motto

'We may be small but we have it all!"


School Oath

At Darraweit Guim Primary School,

We are with people,

We care for and respect.

Our flag reminds us,

That Australia is our home.
We must work together,

To make our community
And our world

A happy and peaceful place